Peulplé de feuilles qui bougent

This project was carried out during a three-month residency in AlUla, an oasis in mutation in the middle of the desert. AlUla is an archaeological site on which the remains of different civilizations have been discovered. The project is interested in and attempts to link two forms of memory, an individual memory and a collective memory. The installation is composed of a sculpture, a sound piece and a text in four voices read during performance times. It proposes a space in which visitors are invited to listen to sounds. These sounds are diffused and reverberated by the sculpture, through metal reflectors that tint its colour. They allow the voices of the oasis to be heard. The voices of the palm trees, the birds, the flowing water and the wind, the voices of the people who live there. But also fictional voices. These voices tell a story and mix with the others in such a way that one can no longer really separate what is fiction and what is taken from reality. Through them, the oasis begins to speak.

Multimédia installation, (sound: 28 minutes)
The sound installation was created in collaboration with Mélia Roger and Bastien Gallet
The text was written with Bastien Gallet
Performance: Rashed AlShashai, Asrar Al Zahoufi, Salman Al Shammari, Laura Sellies
Pictures: Malo Legrand
With the voices of Magboula Hamid, Magboula Shuweikan, Aziz AlAnezi, Jameela Al Anezi, Abdulmohsin Al Balawi, Salman Al Shammari, Asrar Al Zahoufi, Houda Alhabanji, Rashed AlShashai, Esther Husson-Perlié, Adriana Kerzanet and Lee Fortuné-Petit
Thanks to Rashed AlShashai, Dr. Hanadi Abokadejah, Dr. Hussein Ali Abualhassan, Hatim AlAnezi, Leo Marty, Vincent Battesti, Ingrid Perrisse, Airelle Mandon, Claire Pinot, Victoria Dabdoub, Khaled Odeh, Yvannoé Kruger, Arnaud Morand, Erwan Kerzanet and Nicolas Becker
This project was produced during a three-month residency commissioned by lRCU – Royal commission for AlUla, Afalula – French agency for for the development of AlUla and Manifesto